Dog, the walk

The first of my “draw comics, faster” New Years’ Resolution for 2024.

One downside when drawing digitally, at least for me, is that I’m given too much control : I can can zoom in ( and in, and in, and in ), flip, rotate, skew, erase, un-erase, re-erase, sketch over, sketch under … with the end result usually looking like crap. My OCD inevitably gets the better of me.

This year I’m trying to keep it loose and get these done a little faster. I have a lot of ideas I want to pen down this year. Hopefully, they’ll make you smile, or think. Hopefully both.

Take care. Stay healthy. Live life.


#WalkingTheDog #AnimalLover #Pets #ILoveDogs #FamilyDog #FamilyPet #DogComic #DrawnAndCoded



Photos tell a story.

But when I’m old and gray.

The only photos I’ll care about.

Are of my family in disarray.

Staged photos may seem more appealing.

But really they’re really just a lie.

Because the most memorable family photos.

Are the ones that go awry. 

Bunny ears.

Funny sneers.

Jabs. Slaps.


Their personalities all come out.

My family’s perfectly imperfect.

But still, I have to shout.

“Hold still, damnit!”


#FamilyPicture #Photographer #FamilyPhoto #FamilyPhotographer #PhotoBomb #ParentingFail #DrawnAndCoded #Comic #BadDadPoetry #Poetry

Mochi, the Axolotl

Mochi, the Axolotl
I’ve often caught Jodie staring into Mochi’s aquarium, wondering, I assume, if the clumsy, pink, legged fish staring back through the glass has developed any sort of affection for her. I can only guess….

An unintended but unavoidable result of our trip to Vegas a few months ago was our new pet, Mochi, the Axolotl. Axolotl’s are almost extinct in the wild and illegal to own and sell in California, but quite plentiful in the city known for loose slots, loose women, and ( as we found out ) loose pet restrictions. After experiencing Mochi firsthand, I’m honestly surprised that Axolotls still exist in the wild at all. They’re clumsy for starters. Mochi, of course, is also bright shade of pink, a color that does everything but scream “here I am, come eat me” to any predator with more than an ounce of intelligence.

Although Mochi is my oldest daughter, Ashley’s, pet, my wife, Jodie, is her primary caretaker. Honestly, I am more than a little jealous of the amount of attention she gets, too. Every morning Jodie and her sister Jayme, who adopted an Axolotl of her own while in Vegas with us, compare detailed notes of water conditions, bowel movements, and the number of worms their respective legged-fish ate the day prior. The nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia levels all have to be just right as well as the water temperature. Since we got Mochi Amazon has chartered entire truckloads worth of fans, filtration devices, sand, rocks, blood worms, and nightcrawlers, water testing kits, etc… to our house – oh, and Jayme’s, too, of course. Mochi only cost about thirty dollars, but we’ve easily spent ten times that keeping her alive.

I’ve often caught Jodie staring into Mochi’s aquarium, wondering, I assume, if the clumsy, pink, legged fish staring back through the glass has developed any sort of affection for her. I can only guess…..

On a side note, you might have noticed that my artwork has changed. Up until a month or so ago I drew the majority of my comics and illustrations digitally on my Microsoft Surface Pro 7 using Clip Studio Paint and Gimp. I’ve since gone back to basics and started using pencils, inks, and paper. My reasons are threefold. First, after spending an entire day at work in front of a computer screen, it was getting more and more difficult to motivate myself to spend even more time in front of the same screen to do my art. Second, although drawing digitally allowed me to make corrections easier, I found myself taking it to extremes. I found myself obsessing over every detail and, in the long run, I felt my artwork was loosing some spontaneity. Third, I found myself not improving as much as I would of liked. Drawing digitally was making me sloppy. Paper can only be erased so many times before you wear a hole through it. Computer pixels aren’t so limited. While using pencil and ink I find myself carefully planning each stroke.

Admittedly, I’m still working out the details. My lines aren’t as crisp, my colors are streaky, and the scanner I’ve been using somehow manages to wash everything out, but I’m enjoying the whole process a lot more. I haven’t completely ruled out digital arts, either. I just needed a little change.

Take care. Stay healthy. Live life.


#axolotl #pets #parentingfail #vegas #clipstudiopaint #gimp #surfacepro7 #backtobasics #comic #drawnandcoded

Bowl Half Empty

Parenting Fail Dogs Pets Healthy Dog Food Kids
Ever get the feeling that you feed your pets just a little better than you feed your kids? Sometimes I do … and then I see my dog eat a rock and all is right in the world again.

#ParentingFail #Dogs #Pets #HealthyDogFood #Kids #DogLover #StuffDogsEat #JunkFood #DrawnAndCoded #Comic

Working from Home

Working from home WFH Co-workers Dogs COVID
I’ve been working remotely from home for one year now and it’s been great….well, mostly. For more go here.

I’ve been working remotely from home for one year now and it’s been great….well, mostly. Like anything new, there have been obstacles. However, after many trials and tribulations I can now run the gauntlet like a soccer mom evading children playing in the street in her minivan.

Here are some things that I have learned ( maybe they’ll help you, too ) :

  • I’ve learned that there is no longer anyone to blame other than myself for burning the popcorn in the microwave
  • ….and, that that horrible leftover smell in the fridge is, in fact, my own.
  • I’ve learned that having an “open door policy” doesn’t work when your officemates are two kids ( and dogs ).
  • I’ve learned that when everyone is working from home on battery powered keyboards and mice, he who holds the last two AA batteries is king.
  • I’ve learned that my wife showers at precisely the same time as my daily webcam meetings – and that the camera faces the bathroom. 
  • Lastly, I’ve learned that pants are, indeed, optional.

Take care. Stay healthy. Live life. Forgo the pants.


#remotework #workfromhome #remoteworking #doglover #petlover #dogs #COVID #parentingfail #comic #drawnandcoded #clipstudiopaint

New Puppy

puppy love adopt a dog puppies and kids family parenting fail comic
Proof that it’s impossible to “go see” a puppy without bringing it home. For more go here.

Is your household a little too calm and relaxing? Do you have lots of nice things that you need destroyed in short order? Is your carpet looking a little too clean? Is walking through your backyard without stepping in something too easy and you need more of a challenge? Well, if that’s the case I have a solution to your problem – adopt a puppy! A puppy will resolve all of these problems within days of bringing one home.

In practice, there’s really no such thing as “visiting” a puppy that is up for adoption. That was Jodie and my first mistake. The second was bringing our daughters, Ashley and Kaylee, with us. There was no way “Mattie” ( now “Maddie” ) wasn’t coming home with us.

Take care. Stay healthy. Live life. Adopt a puppy ( you won’t regret it ).

– Scott

#puppylove #adoptadog #dogadoption #dog #ilovedogs #puppiessandkids #familydog #parentingfail #drawnandcoded #comic


kitten cat lover snow flake the fluffy white cat pet lover cone of shame spay nuder
My friend, Aymie, asked me to draw her kitten, “Snowflake”, a recent victim of the scalpel. For more Snowflake you can visit her Instagram page at snowflakethefluffywhitecat. Yes, the kitten has a Instagram page, too – and arguably more fans than me!

#kitten #cat #catlover #snowflakethefluffywhitecat #pets #petlover #coneofshame #sockofshame #spay #nuder

I Broke My Butt

kids books i broke my butt dawn mcmillan elementary school teacher tailbone cousin family dogs lover comic
My cousin, Angela, badly hurt her rear and I thought she could use some cheering up so I plagiarized one of her students’ favorite books. My apologies to the REAL author of “I Broke My Butt”, Dawn McMillan as I’m probably breaking some copyright and artistic integrity laws. The original can be found here on Amazon. For more on my rendition go here.

She slipped.

She fell. 

She broke her rear.

My cousin.

My La La. 

Who I hold so dear.

Her spirit. 

Is strong. 

She will recover.

This comic. 

I drew. 

Because I love her.

Take care. Stay healthy. Live life.


#kidsbooks #ibrokemybutt #dawnmcmillan #teacher #elementaryschoolteacher #tailbone #cousins #family #dogs #doglover #drawnandcoded #comic

Sometimes you just need to take more walks …

mental health cancer psychology psychiatrist pet therapy dogs exercise walking comic
My psychologist has been a big part of my cancer team. He loves dogs so I drew this to thank him for all of his help. For more go here.

Part of my “team” when dealing with my cancer is my psychologist. We first met months before I had my official diagnosis, when I was dealing with the anxiety, stress, and subsequent pain by what was then thought to be prostatitis. After our first meeting I walked out of his office completely unconvinced by what he had to say. It took several months before my stubbornness subsided and I reconsidered. Since then he has helped me better understand, well, me.

I showed him some of my comics during our last meeting and he was genuinely impressed and suggested that I draw more. So I did. This one is for him. As you can probably guess, he loves dogs. This dog in particular has some very good advice, too, although he might be a tad biased.

Take care. Stay healthy. Live life.


Previous : Thank You

Next : Radiation “Therapy”

Prostate Cancer PSA
My PSA ( ng/mL ) as of 05/11/2020

#mentalhealth #cancer #psychology #psychiatrist #pettherapy #dogtherapy #dogs # pets #exercise #walking #comic #drawnandcoded


bibliophile dog lover books classic literature avid reader pets dogs dr Seuss cat in the hat parenting fail kids comic
My dog inspired this after taking a bite out of Dr. Seuss’ post-mortem release of “What Pet Should I Get” of all things. Reading that book to my daughters takes on a whole new meaning now.

#booklover #doglover #books #classicliterature #avidreader #pets #dogs #drseuss #catinthehat #kidsbooks #parentingfail #kids #drawnandcoded #comic